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What are different IELTS Band Descriptions? (2022)

Written by  Vishesh Chogtu

Published on Tue, January 11, 2022 1:18 PM   Updated on Fri, February 18, 2022 10:20 AM   6 mins read
Source: Fiona Wattam

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a language competence exam that is extensively used and acknowledged in education and migration across the world conducted by IDP. The exam assesses four important aspects of English proficiency: listening, writing, reading, and speaking. In this article, we’ll explain how IELTS band scores and band descriptions operate so you can better grasp the exam.

You must demonstrate a high level of English language competence if you want to work, reside, or study in an English-speaking country. The higher your IELTS score, the better your English comprehension and communication abilities are. The criterion for an IELTS score will differ depending on the immigration body, university, job, or institution. What you want to accomplish in the nation, whether its job or school, will influence the score you’ll need.

What are IELTS Band Descriptors?

The IELTS band descriptors are a set of assessment criteria that the examiner uses to assess your performance in different sections of the test. The sub-test scores are all equally weighted. The four separate sub-test scores are used to get the Overall Band Score.

The results of the overall band are reported to the closest full or half band. For clarity, if the average of the four skills ends in.25, it is rounded up to the next half band, and if it ends in.75, it is rounded up to the next entire band.

The following table discusses the IELTS Band Description:

Band scoreSkill level
Band 9Expert user
Band 8Very good user
Band 7Good user
Band 6Competent user
Band 5Modest user
Band 4Limited user
Band 3Extremely limited user
Band 2Intermittent user
Band 1Non-user
Band 0Did not attempt the test

For example, a candidate who scored 6.5 in Listening, 6.5 in Reading, 5.0 in Writing, and 7.0 in Speaking would have an Overall Band Score of 6.5.

Speaking Band Descriptors

Both IELTS Speaking tests have the same band descriptors (Academic and General Training). Your Speaking examiner will use these band descriptors for IELTS to assess your speaking abilities. The examiner uses the Speaking band descriptors as an assessment criteria to evaluate your speaking performance. Your examiner will carefully assess the IELTS band descriptors before allocating a band score to each of the four categories based on your overall performance. Band scores vary from 0 (lowest) to 9 (highest) (the highest).

Your examiner will assess your fluency – your ability to continue speaking without pausing, self-correcting, or repeating yourself. Your examiner will assess how well you communicate – how well your words, ideas, and thoughts flow together, how well you use various words and phrases to connect and arrange your ideas, how well you transition from one point to the next, and how well you transition from one point to the next so on. The examiner will look at the words you use to see whether they serve to clarify your views and if they are understandable, acceptable, and relevant to the topic. They’ll also check to see whether you can choose the proper word forms and combine the right words.

Listening Band Descriptors

When you add your IELTS Listening score to your other IELTS scores (Reading, Speaking, and Writing), you’ll be assigned to one of these more generic bands.

Band Descriptions:

Band 9:You are proficient in the language and can successfully converse in it. Your command of the English language is adequate, accurate, and fluent, and you show that you have a full understanding of the language.

Band 8:With the exception of a few unsystematic mistakes and incorrect usage, you have complete command of the language. You excel at arguing complicated issues in depth. You could make a few mistakes in unexpected situations.

Band 7:You have a functional grasp of the language, albeit with certain inaccuracies, incorrect usage, and misunderstandings in specific circumstances. In general, you have a good command of sophisticated language and understand precise reasoning.

Band 6:Despite a few errors, inappropriate use, and misunderstandings, you have an excellent command of the language. You can use and understand quite sophisticated terms in familiar circumstances.

Band 5:You have a basic grasp of the language and can deal with broad meaning in most situations, but you make a lot of mistakes. You should be capable of handling basic communications in your profession.

Band 4:Your fundamental competency is limited to scenarios in which you are already experienced. You have a history of having difficulty understanding and expressing yourself. You can’t communicate in a complex way.

Band 3:In extremely familiar situations, you express and grasp the only general meaning. There are a lot of communication breaks.

Band 2:You find it extremely difficult to comprehend spoken and written English.

Band 1:Except for a few isolated words, you have no ability to use the language.

Reading Band Descriptors

Both the hearing and reading components of the IELTS are graded on a scale of 40 questions. The final score is converting the raw score to a scaled score.

A candidate’s IELTS reading or listening score is 30 out of 40. The formula for calculating the scaled score is (30/40)*9=6.75. The IELTS Reading scores are calculated in this manner. The breakdown of the band scores reveals the IELTS Listening and IELTS Reading band descriptors.

Band ScoreRaw Score

Writing Band Descriptors

Your Writing test is marked by two to four examiners to ensure the highest degree of correctness and fairness in the marks assigned. Examiners utilize the same assessment criteria for the General Training and Academic examinations.

The following criteria are used to evaluate your answers in Writing Task 1

  • Task achievement
  • Coherence and cohesiveness
  • Lexical resource and grammatical range
  • Accuracy

Each band score corresponds to the descriptors’ performance across these four criteria. Except for the task response criterion, Writing Task 2 is scored similarly.

IELTS band descriptors


What are the IELTS Band Descriptors?

Ans. Candidates are graded on a scale of 1 to 9 on a Band Scale. For each skill, a profile score is given. The four individual scores are summed and rounded to calculate the Overall Band Score. Overall band scores and subtest scores (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking) are provided in whole or half bands.

What is the format of the IELTS speaking exam?

Ans. Each segment of the IELTS Speaking test has a different aim and requires a different strategy.
Part 1:Contains a document (ID) check, a warm-up, questions about yourself and your life, and finally, questions about two separate topics.
Part 2:A long turn in which you get 1–2 minutes to speak about a topic presented to you during the test. You have one minute to get ready.
Part 3:A more in-depth discussion of the topic you discussed in Part 2.

What is the duration of the IELTS Test?

Ans. All IELTS examinations are completed on the same day, with no interruptions in between the Listening, Reading, and Writing components. However, you can finish the Speaking component up to a week before or after the other tests. The test lasts 2 hours and 45 minutes in total.

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Vishesh Chogtu

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