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Guidelines For Letter Of Recommendation

Written by  Vishesh Chogtu

Published on Wed, December 23, 2020 4:57 PM   Updated on Sat, September 4, 2021 11:14 AM   2 mins read

Here is the list of guidelines for writing a Letter of Recommendation:

Para 1: Introduction

Q. What is your name and designation? In which organization/School/College do you work?

Q. How long have you known the applicant? (be specific)

Q. What is your relationship with the applicant? Are you still in touch with him/her?

Q. In what capacity have you supervised the applicant? 

Para 2: Applicants Role and Responsibilities

Q.What are the applicant’s responsibilities in the Office/School/College?

Q. How has the applicant’s career progressed since you have been interacting with the applicant?

Q.State the number of people who worked / work under or with the applicant? (Optional)

Q. How would you rate the applicant’s performance at Work/School/College? Explain with one or two instances. Please mention some figures (e.g. on how many projects has the applicant worked on?)

Parra 3: Discuss one Quality 

Q. List special achievements of the applicant’s professional life that you have observed. (You could mention awards/honors that might be given to the applicant.)

Q.  Is there any specific occasion or incident that highlights the applicant’s abilities? Please give full details explaining the situation, the applicant’s contribution, and the outcome. Please list more than one incident if applicable.

Q. Was the applicant a member of any organizational society or forum? (Give dates.)

Parra 4: Other Skills

Q. Give details about participation / achievements and team / leadership / communication / interpersonal skills. 

Q. Any other special incident from the applicant’s professional life that you would like to share with us.

Q. Has the applicant undertaken any projects/ research activities? If yes, please list and comment on performance. 

Parra 5: Personal Skills

Q. Tell us about the applicant’s strengths. Supplement your answers with incidents from the applicant’s life.

Q. Discuss the applicant’s weaknesses. Elaborate on what the applicant has done to overcome them?

Q. Any opinion on the applicant’s sense of humor and English oral and written skills.

Para 6: Conclusion

Q.What is your assessment of the applicant’s potential for success in an MS/PhD program? Please highlight academic ability, research potential, and career focus.

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Vishesh Chogtu

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