Mother nature observed the transformation of verdant fields into contemporary cities and metropolises as the world embraced urbanisation. A series of natural calamities followed, indicating that something is wrong with the world. Pollution is increasingly being asked about in school and college assessments and competitive exams under the essay component. This is expected to the fact that it is a current environmental concern. This site intends to provide you with the relevant information and tips and tactics for writing an effective pollution essay.
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Essay on Pollution in English
When toxic pollutants are added to our environment, this process is known as pollution. It makes the surroundings harmful for both living beings and plants. Pollution is the result of human activities, whether done unintentionally or deliberately. It has become a significant issue worldwide. Pollution leads to defective childbirths and high mortality rates in many parts of the world. It contaminates natural things like water, air, soil, and so on, harmful to humans and animals.
The pollutants that mix in the air directly affect living beings while breathing it gets into their bodies. Water pollutants are hazardous for living beings as well. Manufacturing and construction units are the prime sources of water pollution. People living near manufacturing factories often bear the consequences of water pollution, noise pollution, and air pollution.
The sad reality is that humans are the ones who are intentionally polluting the environment. It isn’t easy in today’s world to get an utterly pollution-free world. But there is a way to decrease the level of pollution around us by controlling our activities, causing pollution.
Short Article on Pollution
Pollution is the toxins that mix in the natural environment and harm both human beings and animals. Plants also get affected by pollution. There are many forms of pollution, like air, water, soil, and noise pollution. However, there are other forms of pollution, light pollution, radioactive pollution, and so on. Natural and human activities both contribute to pollution. Volcanic eruptions or oil and gas leakage can cause pollution.
Human activities cause most of the pollution. It is because of the commercialization of natural things. Humans turn many natural things into human-made things to satisfy their needs. We use more than our needs, which adversely affects nature. The gases from vehicles and factories pollute the air. The land and water are polluted by solid garbage from factories, households, and so on. In rural areas, agricultural wastes, pesticides cause pollution. The noise pollution is caused by the massive sound of music, vehicles, and machinery. The pollution also leads to global warming.
We cannot completely remove pollution, but we can surely reduce it by implementing a few preventive measures.
To increase oxygen in the air and make the air pure, we must plant trees on a large level. We should use natural things judiciously. We have to understand the difference between need and want. To decrease the level of land and water pollution, we must avoid using plastic bags. We should use vehicles less to decrease air pollution and noise pollution. We should maintain a proper drainage system to protect the water from getting polluted. We cannot stop natural activities, but we can control our actions. If we do so, we can minimize the impacts of pollution in nature.
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Article on Pollution in 120 Words
The addition of unwanted substances into the environment that can damage our Earth is called pollution. There are four main types of Pollution; air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and noise pollution. The careless activities carried out by humans leads to pollution. Air pollution is caused by vehicles that release smoke in the air and contaminate it, making it difficult for organisms to breathe. Water pollution is caused by dumping waste directly into water bodies. This affects the organisms living in the water as well. We dump waste directly into water bodies, which results in water pollution. When we dump waste into landfills, it results in soil pollution. Noise pollution is invisible, but it is hazardous to our ears.
Article on Pollution in 150 Words
Pollution is a threat to our environment and the living organisms in it. It is quite sad that pollution is caused by the irresponsible actions of man towards nature. Our Earth provides us with food and shelter, whereas we exploit its resources for fulfilling our selfish needs. We become greedy and start using natural resources impulsively without considering its consequences. We contaminate the water bodies by throwing waste into it, which harms the water bodies’ organisms. We have disrupted the natural balance of various gases in the atmosphere by contaminating it with the vehicles plying on the roads. Even manufacturing factories that release harmful gases into the atmosphere contribute to air pollution. When we use pesticides and fertilizers and do excessive farming on a piece of land, the soil on the land loses its natural minerals. Noise pollution can result in loss of hearing due to loud noises produced by factories, jets, airplanes, and other vehicles. It damages our ears.
Article on Pollution Control
Pollution makes the environment dirty, unhealthy, and unsuitable for humans and animals to live. It is caused due to the release of both tangible and intangible contaminants. These can be released naturally or by humans themselves intentionally or unintentionally. Due to toxic pollutants, more than 200 million people are affected. Few countries have defected childbirth and an increase in the death rates. Humans are regularly exposed to pollution when they inhale toxic air inside them.
Pollution cannot be eliminated but can be controlled. Promoting the green environment, proper disposal of waste, and encouraging people to plant more trees are simple steps that emphasize maintaining the order of the environment.
We can take a few preventive measures to control pollution. We should plant trees to curb polluted air and release more oxygen to make it pure. We should always switch off electrical equipment when we aren’t using it. We should use natural energy rather than electric energy. We should use recyclable products whenever possible. We should avoid the use of plastic bags and use paper bags. We should also not waste paper and use both sides of the paper.
We should restrict the usage of hazardous chemicals. We should avoid overusing heaters and air conditioners. Use public transport to reduce noise, air, and light pollution. To control air pollution, we must stop burning crackers during marriages, Diwali, and other festivals.
Article on Water Pollution
Water pollution has many definitions. Generally, it means one or more harmful substances have built up in water to such an extent that they cause problems for animals or people. Oceans, lakes, rivers, and other inland waters can naturally clean up a certain amount of pollution. A small amount of contamination is easily dealt with by the water bodies. However, large amounts of chemical and harmful substances cannot be cleaned by the water bodies independently. This, in turn, could affect the health of all the plants, animals, and humans whose living depends on the river. Thus, water pollution is all about quantities.
Water pollution almost always means that some damage has been done to an ocean, river, lake, or another water source. Damage from water pollution is often reversible.
The most obvious type of water pollution affects surface waters. For example, a spill from an oil tanker creates an oil slick that can affect a vast ocean area.
Underground rock holds a great deal of water known as aquifers, which cannot be seen. Water stored underground in aquifers is known as groundwater. Aquifers feed our rivers and supply much of our drinking water. They can become polluted, for example, when we use pesticides in agriculture activities and drain into the ground. Groundwater pollution is much less obvious than surface-water pollution but is no less of a problem.
Pollution affects surface waters and groundwater both.
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Article on Noise Pollution
Noise pollution is a form of pollution that affects the hearing ability of organisms. This pollution is increasing only and creates an unsafe environment. When the level of noise increases more than the normal level, it leads to noise pollution. When the amount of noise exceeds, it becomes dangerous for living beings. Moreover, these unpleasant sounds cause several disturbances and create an imbalance in the environment.
In other words, high volume noises are abnormal. Along with the advancement of the world, noise pollution is increasing. Technology has made things easier for people by creating appliances and devices for almost everything. However, people don’t realize this comfort comes with negative consequences. All technological appliances contribute to noise pollution. They disturb the natural rhythm of life and fall into the category of a pollutant.
Similarly, the increasing use of automobiles is a major cause of this noise pollution. Not only automobiles but also other transport vehicles like airplanes, buses, bikes, trucks, and more are also part of it. Unnecessary honking in the traffic and listening to loud music on the way produce high levels of noise.
Furthermore, social events like marriages, parties, and religious functions in places like clubs, pubs, temples, and halls also produce high noise levels. Also, construction activities like mining, the building of flyovers, bridges, and more create great noise.
Article on Plastic Pollution
Plastic is everywhere nowadays. It has become the most used substance. People are using it endlessly just for their comfort. However, no one realizes how it is harming our planet. Everyone needs to be aware of the consequences of using plastics. Also, the government must take strict measures to stop plastic pollution before it gets too late.
The main reason for the increase in the use of plastic is that it is very cheap. It costs less than other alternatives like paper and cloth. This is why it is so common. Secondly, it is very easy to use. Plastic can be used for almost anything, either liquid or solid. Also, it comes in different forms, which we can easily mold into anything.
Furthermore, we see that plastic is a non-biodegradable material. We cannot dissolve plastic in land or water. Thus, more and more use of plastic means more plastic, which won’t get dissolved. Thus, the increase in plastic pollution is happening at a very rapid rate.

Answer: Pollution is the contamination of pollutants and toxins in the natural environment and makes it hazardous for both people and creatures. Plants likewise get affected by contamination.
Answer: Pollutants can contaminate air, water, and soil. Likewise, noise pollution is another type of pollution created by excessive noise and can harm human and animal ears. However, there are other forms of pollution, light pollution, radioactive pollution, etc.
Answer: Yes. We can prevent pollution by taking measures of prevention. The activity performed by nature and humans causes pollution. We can’t control natural activities, but we can control our actions that cause pollution.
Answer: Pollution affects all living beings, from animals to human beings. Plants are also affected by pollution. Young children and older people are more vulnerable to the effects of pollution.
Answer: The consequences of pollution could make muddy landscapes, poisons soils and waterways, or kill plants and animals. Humans are also affected by pollution and become a victim of many diseases. Long-term exposure to air pollution, for example, can lead to chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer, and other diseases.
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