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GMAT Data Sufficiency Tips

Written by  Rachit Agrawal, MBA

Published on Mon, February 26, 2018 6:10 AM   Updated on Mon, December 16, 2019 6:44 AM   17 mins read

A Guide to GMAT Data sufficiency tips

The data sufficiency questions on the GMAT, as most students find them, ‘extremely weird’. They give the impression of being nothing like other questions you’ve seen in the GMAT category. Data sufficiency questions aren’t simply testing your mathematical skills. Instead, they’re conjointly testing your ability to analyse data and choose what information you would like to answer the question with.

In this guide, you will get to know the GMAT data sufficiency section and will be provided with many methods for solving the GMAT data sufficiency queries. In addition, we will provide tips for being ready for these different questions.

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Here’s a GMAT Data Sufficiency tips – Summary

Data sufficiency questions number one in all 2 kinds of questions on the GMAT quant section, whereas there’s no set variety of data sufficiency questions in the quant section.

A GMAT data sufficiency question is formed from a Matter and 2 Statements, labelled (1) and (2). Your job is to make a decision whether or not the information given in every one of the statements is adequate (enough) to answer the given question.

For that, you’ll have to use the information within the statements, basic data of high-school-level maths, and everyday facts (like the number of days during a given month) to answer the question. There are 5 doable answer selections for each data sufficiency question:

  1. Statement (1) ALONE is adequate, however, statement (2) alone isn’t adequate
  2. Statement (2) ALONE is adequate, however, statement (1) alone isn’t adequate
  3. Both statements along square measure adequate, however, NEITHER statement ALONE is adequate.
  4. EACH statement ALONE is adequate
  5. Statements (1) and (2) along don’t seem to be adequate
  6. You’ll need to use high-school level skills in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and word issues to unravel information sufficiency questions. For example, you’ll see questions on properties of integers, sets, and enumeration ways. GMAT data sufficiency questions typically need you to use over one skills.*Calculators aren’t allowed in the quant section of the GMAT!

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Sample GMAT Data Sufficiency Queries

Some sample GMAT data sufficiency question:

Sample Question #1
A certain cluster of automotive dealerships united to present x greenbacks to a Red Cross chapter for every card oversubscribed throughout a 30-day amount. What was the whole number that was expected to be donated?

A total of five hundred cars were expected to be oversubscribed.
60 additional cars were oversubscribed than expected, in order that the whole number really given was $28,000.

Statement (1) ALONE is adequate, however, statement (2) alone isn’t adequate
Statement (2) ALONE is adequate, however, statement (1) alone isn’t adequate
Both statements along square measure adequate, however, NEITHER statement ALONE is adequate
EACH statement ALONE is adequate
Statements (1) and (2) along don’t seem to be adequate
Correct Answer: C

SAMPLE QUESTION Rationalization

The best way to approaching information sufficiency questions is, to analyse every statement separately initial, before having to contemplate them along. Let’s begin with statement one.

Statement 1: The question asks the United States of America to work out what proportion cash is given to the Red Cross, supported the number of cars oversubscribed at the business organization. With data sufficiency questions, we have a tendency to continually need to start out with what we all know.

We know that five hundred cars square measure expected to be oversubscribed because it tells the United States of America that in statement one. Now, we want to make a decision if we are able to find out what proportion cash is given.

The question tells the United States of America that x greenbacks are given for every automotive oversubscribed, that the equation 500x represents the whole number of the expected donation.

However, we have a tendency to don’t understand the worth of x, and that we haven’t any approach of crucial it from the data given. So, we have a tendency to cannot solve the equation 500x, that means that statement one isn’t adequate for the United States of America to unravel this downside.

Statement 2: Even as we have a tendency to took statement one by itself, let’s take statement two by itself initial.

Statement two tells the United States of America that sixty additional cars were oversubscribed than expected. If we all know that x represents the quantity of cash given to the Red Cross for every automotive, then we all know that 60x represents {the quantity|the quantity|the number} given on the far side the expected amount, as a result of sixty automobiles were oversubscribed and x greenbacks were given for every car.

If the whole quantity of the donation was $28,000, then the whole quantity that was expected is often found mistreatment the equation $28,000 – 60x, with 60x representing the surprising quantity we have a tendency to found before. Since we have a tendency to don’t understand what x represents, we have a tendency to can’t notice the whole quantity of the expected donation mistreatment Statement two alone.

Now that we’ve evaluated each statement separately, it’s time to gauge them along. The primary issue I notice after I scrutinize each statement is that each statement has x in them, meaning that I will mix the statements and solve for x.

Combining the 2 statements yields Pine Tree State the equation 500x = 28000 – 60x. From there, I will verify the whole quantity of the expected donation since I will mix like terms and solve for x.

Since it will be solved with the statements along, however not alone, the correct answer is C.

Sample Question #2

A certain forested heap contains fifty-six oak trees. What percentage pine trees will the heap contain?

The quantitative relation of the number of oak trees to the number of pine trees within the heap is eight to five.
If {the variety|the amount|the quantity} of oak trees was magnified by four and therefore the number of pine trees remained unchanged, the quantitative relation of the number of oak trees to the number of pine trees within the heap would be twelve to seven.
Statement (1) ALONE is adequate, however, statement (2) alone isn’t adequate
Statement (2) ALONE is adequate, however, statement (1) alone isn’t adequate
Both statements along square measure adequate, however, NEITHER statement ALONE is adequate
EACH statement ALONE is adequate
Statements (1) and (2) along don’t seem to be adequate
Correct Answer: D

The first step in this question is to work out what you’re attempting to unravel for. The question asks you the way several pine trees the heap contains. Let’s use p as our variable to represent the number of pine trees the heap contains. You’re attempting to unravel for p in this equation.

Statement 1: Bear in mind, we have a tendency to continually need to start out by evaluating every statement separately. Statement one says that the quantitative relation of oak trees to pine trees is eight to five. The quantitative relation eight to five may also be diagrammatical as 8/5. We are able to conjointly say that the quantity of oak trees to pine trees is fifty-six to p, or 56/p supported the data within the question.

Now, we are able to set the equations up to one another as a result of they each represent a similar issue (ratio of oak to pine trees). Setting the equations up to one another yields the equation 8/5 = 56/p, As a result of there’s only 1 variable in this equation, ready to|i’ll} be able to solve for p with no additional data. Statement one is thus adequate to answer the question.

Additional GMAT data sufficiency Tips

Statement 2: Even if we have a tendency to already understand that Statement one is adequate, we’re still getting to solve assess Statement two by itself initial. Statement two says that the number of oak trees magnified by four. The question tells the United States of America that the initial variety of oak trees was fifty-six, therefore fifty-six + four = sixty. sixty is that the new variety of oak trees.

Next, the statement tells United States of America that the quantitative relation of oak trees to pine trees is currently twelve to seven. We are able to conjointly write the quantitative relation of twelve to seven as 12/7. we are able to conjointly say that the quantity of oak trees to pine trees is sixty to p or 60/p. Even as we have a tendency to did with Statement one, we are able to set the equations up to one another, yielding the equation 60/p = 12/7.

Remember, we have a tendency to don’t ought to solve for p, we have a tendency to simply ought to understand that we are able to. Supported the data in Statement two, we are able to conjointly solve for p.

Statements one and a couple of each contain enough data for the United States of America to answer the question, that the correct answer is D.

Sample Question #3
Does 2m – 3n = 0?

m ≠ 0
6m = 9n
Statement (1) ALONE is adequate, however, statement (2) alone isn’t adequate
Statement (2) ALONE is adequate, however, statement (1) alone isn’t adequate
Both statements along square measure adequate, however, NEITHER statement ALONE is adequate
EACH statement ALONE is adequate
Statements (1) and (2) along don’t seem to be adequate
Correct Answer: B

Let’s come out by examining the question.

We have a tendency to continually need to create certain we have a tendency to perceive what the question is asking the United States of America. We have a tendency to conjointly need to create certain that we have a tendency to modify the question, if doable, as a result of simplifying the question can provide United States of America easier and clear equations to use as we have a tendency to solve the matter. During this case, we are able to modify the question. The question “Does 2m – 3n = 0” adores the less complicated question “Does 2m = 3n?”

Statement 1: If you’ve browsed the reasons for the previous 2 queries, I in all probability sound sort of a broken record by currently, however, I’ll repeat myself once more. Remember, we have a tendency to continually need to gauge every statement separately, before viewing them along.

Let’s scrutinize Statement one by itself. Statement one says that m doesn’t equal zero. That doesn’t provide the United States of America plenty of knowledge. Let’s return to the initial equation and see what we are able to learn there.

In the original, we have a tendency to see that 2m = 3n. in this equation, we have a tendency to conjointly don’t have plenty of knowledge. Statement one leaves AN infinite vary of doable values for m, and, since neither Statement one nor the initial equation address doable values for n, we’ve no thanks to finding out the link between m and n. Therefore, Statement one isn’t adequate.

Statement 2: Even if we all know Statement one isn’t adequate, we’re getting to attempt to find out Statement two by itself initial. Statement two says that 6m = 9n. Right away, I notice that each half-dozen and nine square measure multiples of three, that the equation is often simplified by dividing every term by three.

When I divide every term by three, I purchase 6m/3 = 9n/3. If I modify that, I purchase 2m = 3n. Remember, 2m = 3n is that the original equation I’m longing for, therefore Statement two is adequate and therefore the correct answer is B.

Don’t worry, you will not need to acumen to browse numbers as Roman numerals for the GMAT.
Don’t worry, you won’t need to acumen to browse numbers as Roman numerals for the GMAT.

Sample Question #4
If n may be a member of the set, what’s the worth of n?

n is even.
n may be a multiple of three.
Statement (1) ALONE is adequate, however, statement (2) alone isn’t adequate
Statement (2) ALONE is adequate, however, statement (1) alone isn’t adequate
Both statements along square measure adequate, however, NEITHER statement ALONE is adequate
EACH statement ALONE is adequate
Statements (1) and (2) along don’t seem to be adequate
Correct Answer: E

Let’s begin out by understanding what the question’s asking the United States of America. It’s asking the United States of America to work out the worth of n, that may be a member of the set. So, for our statements to be adequate, they have to assist the United States of America to decide that of these six numbers n is.

Statement one: Scrutinize Statement 1 alone initial. Statement one says that n is even. That suggests that n are often either thirty-six, 38, or 42, as a result of those square measure the even varieties of that six number set. However, there’s no alternative data within the statement that may facilitate United States of America slim down that one in all those 3 numbers n is. So, Statement one isn’t adequate.

Statement two: Statement 2 says that n may be a multiple of three. this means that n may well be thirty-three, 36, 39, or 42. However, there’s no additional distinction in Statement two to work out that of these four numbers n is. So, Statement two isn’t adequate.

If we have a tendency to mix Statements one and a couple of along, n is even and a multiple of 3. That leaves the United States of America with n equaling either thirty-six or forty-two, with no thanks to verifying that of this n is. Therefore, the statements square measure light alone and along, that the correct answer is E.

4 Key information on GMAT Data Sufficiency Tips

Follow these information sufficiency GMAT tips to assist solve difficult queries.

#1: Assess the Statements separately initial
Evaluating every statement separately can assist you to answer information sufficiency queries quickly and additional simply.

Evaluate statement one initial, then assess statement two by itself. Once you do assess statement two, you’ll forget everything you probably did for statement one. Faux that they’re 2 totally different queries. Once you’ve determined whether or not every statement is adequate on its own, you’ll be ready to place them along. This strategy will prevent time. for example, if neither statement is adequate on its own, you’ll be ready to eliminate answers A, B, and E. If each statement square measure adequate on their own, you’ll be ready to eliminate A, B, C, and E quickly.

Solve the only statement initially. You’ll notice that the GMAT tends to possess one statement that’s very simple, and one that’s very long and convoluted. You don’t need to assess the statements so as. Go along with whatever’s easier initial.

#2: Decide What kind of Question it is
There square measure 2 basic sorts of information sufficiency queries: worth queries and yes/no questions.

Value queries raise you to search out a numerical worth (e.g., what’s the worth of 5x?). For worth queries, if you’re ready to notice a particular worth mistreatment the data in either statement, then that statement is adequate.

Yes/no queries raise you whether or not or not one thing is true (e.g., is y a good number?). For yes/no queries, a definitive affirmative or a definitive no answer square measure each thought of adequate. A solution that’s typically affirmative or typically no isn’t adequate.

Remember: A definitive answer is often adequate. a solution that will or might not be correct isn’t adequate.

Before you begin on a matter, raise yourself if it’s a price question or a yes/no question. This step can assist you to verify what quite answer you’re longing for.

#3: Introduce sensible Numbers
You can solve several GMAT information sufficiency queries by plugging in real numbers for the variables in equations. Seek for queries that have pure mathematics answers or queries that invite the values of pure mathematics expressions rather than simply the values of variables once plugging in numbers.

When plugging in numbers, attempt to use straightforward, whole integers that match the constraints of the question. If the question asks you to use a particular kind of variety (e.g., a multiple of 3), make certain you’re employing a multiple (e.g, use half-dozen rather than 54) that’ll be straightforward to try to basic calculations with. The writers of the GMAT understand that individuals usually choose positive, whole numbers to plug into their equations. Don’t chuck negative integers, positive and negative fractions, positive and negative decimals, etc., once analyzing an information sufficiency question. You’ll conjointly attempt to introduce over one variety to check, looking on the question.

#4: Don’t attempt to totally Solve a drag If You Don’t need to
GMAT information sufficiency queries aren’t soliciting for specific answers. They’re asking if the statements contain enough data to search out a particular answer, don’t do the work of total resolution a drag if you don’t need to.

For instance, if the question asks you “What is that the worth of y” and one in all the statements is 24y + 34y = 1200, acknowledge that you simply will solve for y while not taking the difficulty of surfing the complete method to unravel that downside. You’re evaluating the sufficiency of knowledge, not longing for specific answers.

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How to brace oneself for GMAT information Sufficiency queries?

While GMAT information sufficiency queries could appear intimidating, these information sufficiency GMAT tips will assist you additional simply master your school assignment.

#1: Learn the 5 Answer selections mistreatment the 12TEN mnemotechnical.
Every information sufficiency question has a similar five doable answers:

Statement (1) ALONE is adequate, however, statement (2) alone isn’t adequate
Statement (2) ALONE is adequate, however, statement (1) alone isn’t adequate
Both statements along square measure adequate, however, NEITHER statement ALONE is adequate
EACH statement ALONE is adequate
Statements (1) and (2) along don’t seem to be adequate
The 12TEN mnemotechnical will assist you to bear in mind those answers and prevent time:

1: Solely statement one

2: Solely statement two

T: Each statement along

E: Either statement

N: Neither statement

Using this can assist you to save time on check day as a result of you’ll already understand what each question is asking you, and you’ll be ready to consistently check every one of the answers. You’ll even have a transparent plan of what every answer selection suggests that.

#2: Review the basics
The queries on the GMAT quant section solely check high-school scientific discipline ideas. meaning that you’ll have probably seen each talent you would like to master the check. The key, then, lies in mastering these fundamentals. You won’t be ready to use a calculator on the GMAT, therefore you’ll need to be quick together with your basic calculations. observe multiplying and dividing decimals and fractions. learn the exponent rules. Learn common roots and better powers. These easy tips can prevent time and build your confidence on check day.

#3: Use High-Quality observe Materials
Setting yourself up with great observation tools and making a observe schedule you’ll be able to keep on with can assist you to brace oneself for the information sufficiency queries. It’s vital to know what makes smart GMAT quant observe, therefore you don’t waste your learning time.

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Also Visit:-

  1. GMAT- Everything you need to know
  2. GMAT Syllabus
  3. GMAT Registration
  4. GMAT Results and Scores
  5. GMAT Dates
  6. GMAT Test-Centres
  7. GMAT Practice-Papers
  8. GMAT Preparation-Tips
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About the Author & Expert


Rachit Agrawal

Author • MBA • 20 Years

Rachit believes in the power of education and has studied from the top institutes of IIIT Allahabad, IIM Calcutta, and Francois Rabelias in France. He has worked as Software Developer with Microsoft and Adobe. Post his MBA, he worked with the world's # 1 consulting firm, The Boston Consulting Group across multiple geographies US, South-East Asia and Europe.

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