We use millions of english words in a day while talking to people in our daily lives but have you ever wonder that we still miss out on so many words whose meaning we don’t know and also there are some new english words which some of us have never even heard. We never use these words in our daily lives.
Some of the words which we use have many synonyms also and we never even use these synonyms in our daily lives. There are many vocabulary books that help students in learning these words and help them in improving their vocabulary skills and knowledge.
Many competitive exams also have sections which are given to test the knowledge of the student related to their vocabulary skills.
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Table of Contents
List of 50 Difficult English Words With Meanings
Some new words in the English dictionary can be very tricky while speaking or writing. These words may have a different speaking technique and different writing style and are sometimes very difficult to learn and remember. It is thus impossible for students to learn such words at times. These words many times appear in the competitive exams as well.
Here is the list of 50 Difficult new English Words with Meanings:
- Abnegation -Renouncing a belief or doctrine
- Aggrandize-enhance power, wealth or status
- Alacrity -eagerness
- Anachronistic -misplaced chronologically
- Archetypal -quintessential of a certain kind
- Ascetic -one who practices self-denial as part of spiritual discipline
- Beguile -influence someone in a deceptive way
- Blandishment -intentional flattery for persuasion
- Cajole -persuade by flattery or coaxing
- Callous -disregard for others
- Camaraderie -a sense of solidarity arising out of familiarity and sociability
- Circumlocution -expressing someone in an indirect way
- Clamor -proclaim something noisily
- Cognizant -awareness or realization
- Construe -interpret or assign meaning
- Convivial -enjoyable atmosphere or jovial company
- Demagogue -a political leader who uses rhetoric to appeal to prejudices and desires of ordinary citizens
- Denigrate -belittle someone
- Didactic -instructive with a moral intent
- Disparate -of a distinct kind
- Eclectic -deriving the best ideas and styles from a diverse range of sources
- Egregious -reprehensible or outrageously bad
- Embezzlement -misappropriation of funds.
- Enervate -lacking in vitality or mentally/ morally drained.
- Ephemeral– lasting for a short duration
- Equanimity -maintaining composure in stressful situations
- Fatuous -devoid of intelligence
- Gratuitous -uncalled for or unwarranted
- Iconoclast -someone who criticizes or attacks cherished ideas and beliefs
- Idiosyncratic -something peculiar to an individual
- Incumbent -something that is morally binding
- Inveterate -habitual
- Libertarian -someone who cherishes ideas of free will
- Licentious -someone who is promiscuous
- Mendacious -deceitful
- Multifarious -multifaceted or diverse
- Obdurate -being stubborn and refusing to change one’s opinion
- Ostracism -excluding a person or certain section from society by majority consent
- Pejorative -showing disapproval
- Pertinacious -someone who is stubbornly unyielding
- Phlegmatic -expressing little or no emotion
- Promulgate-to broadcast or announce
- Quotidian -something that is of daily occurrence
- Recalcitrant -resistant to authority
- Sanctimonious -the pretense of being morally pious to exhibit moral superiority
- Solipsism -the philosophical theory that only the self-existence is known and all that exists
- Travesty -distorting facts or imitation
- Ubiquitous -omnipresent or existing everywhere
- Vicissitude – an unwelcome or unpleasant change in circumstances or fortune
- Vociferous -something or someone who is offensively/ conspicuously loud.
Also Read: Vocabulary Words With Meaning And Sentence
50 New English words with Meaning
- Awedde – it means to overcome anger
- Awel – any of various types of hook or hook instrument
- Awesomesauce – extremely good
- Bagel – Something that is transitive
- Buzzy – Something that generates excitement
- Bridge burning – The action or process of burning bridges
- Bridger – a person who maintains or has charge of a bridge
- Buka – A roadside restaurant or a street stall
- Chicken headed – Foolish, stupid
- Chuckheaded – stupid
- Covid 19 – An acute respiratory illness in human beings
- Dumpster – A large rubbish container
- Deepfake – an image or recording that has been convincingly altered to misrepresent someone.
- Deleter – A person who deletes something
- Dof – stupid
- E-bike – An electric bike
- E-waste – worthless electronic text
- Eyelessness – lack of fear or respect for authority
- Freegan – A person who eats thrown away food.
- Futzing – Ineffectual
- Jewel case – A box in which jewelry is stored
- Kvetchy – Ill-tempered
- Mouthie – A person’s mouth
- Side hug – A move in wrestling
- Teabagger – a machine that makes tea bags
- Stan – A devoted fan
- Sober curious – experimenting with a period of not drinking alcohol.
- Screen time – the amount of time spent looking at screens of electronic devices
- Peoplekind – alternative to gender-neutral
- Peak – being at the height of popularity
- Hellacious – an awful experience
- Permaculture – To combine two words to make a new one.
- Puggle – a young or baby echidna
- Report – An employee accountable to a manager
- Shero – A female hero
- Weaksauce – that lacks power
- WIP – work in progress
- Thirstry – showing a strong desire for attention.
- Theonomous – Ruled or governed by God.
- Social distancing – The act of maintaining a physical distance.
- Slow walk – to delay or prevent progress
- Skunked – drunk
- Self isolate – to isolate oneself from others
- Onboarding – integrating a new employee in the organization
- Next tomorrow – the day after tomorrow
- Aesthetic – artistic
- Mama put – a street vendor
- WFH – work from home
- Zoodle – spiral strand of zucchini
- Unfathom – Puzzling
How to Remember Difficult English Words with Meanings?
There are sometimes many tricky English words that are very difficult to learn and remember, but such words many times appear in many competitive exams and are a must to attend. There are many vocabulary books available for such words and even students take classes for better performance but for an individual sometimes it is very difficult to learn such difficult English words in such large amounts.
There are many videos also uploaded online for the betterment of students as they can learn from these videos and can thus work on such words. Many students are very good at mugging up some students read and learn and some students write and learn.
Each student has their own way of learning such words. There are actually much simpler form or ways in which students can learn such difficult words with meanings which they can remember for a longer period of time.
Steps to remember difficult English Words with Meanings:
- Students can keep an organized notebook for vocabulary.
- Students should regularly read the words.
- In a day students should at least read the words 3 times.
- Students should use the words daily while phrasing any sentence.
- Students should solve puzzles and crossword knowledge.
- Students can make word cards and can use them all the time.
- Students can take the help of peers for phrasing sentences.
- Students should know how to use a dictionary and should always read the dictionaries.
- Students should read as many books and novels as they can.
- Students should read and write and then learn.
Check Out: Difficult Words
50 Simple English Words with Meaning and Sentences
There are millions of words in the English Dictionary, tough and easy both types of words and used by people in their daily lives. Many learn new words and try to phrase them in sentences for better understanding while some have not even heard about that particular word.
It is impossible for everyone to learn and remember and use all the words which are known and which are not known to some.
Here is the list of simple meanings and are used in daily lives, some of them are as follows:
- Account – an arrangement with a bank to keep your money there and allow you to take it out when you need to.
- Air – the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth and that we breathe.
- Amount – a collection or mass, especially of something that cannot be counted.
- Animal – something that lives and moves, but is not a human, bird, insect, or fish.
- Answer – the receipt and response to a letter, question, or phone call.
- Approval – the feeling of having a positive opinion of someone or something.
- Art – the activity of making objects, drawings, music, paintings, sculptures, etc that are beautiful or that express feeling.
- Attack – to try to hurt or defeat (mainly referred to as physical violence but can also be used to describe verbal or emotional outbursts).
- Attention – notice, thought or interest.
- Back – (adverb) in return, into, towards a previous place or condition, or an earlier time; (noun) the part of your body that is opposite to the front, from your shoulder to your bottom.
- Base – the bottom part of an object, on which it rests, or the lowest part of something.
- Behaviour – the way that someone behaves.
- Belief – the feeling of being certain that something exists or is true, something that you believe.
- Birth – the time when a young baby or young animal comes out of its mother’s body.
- Blood – the red liquid that is sent around the body by the heart.
- Blow – to move and make currents of air, or to make a sound by forcing air out of your mouth.
- Body – the whole physical structure that forms a person or animal.
- Bread – a food made from flour, water, and usually yeast, mixed together and baked.
- Breath – the air that goes into and out of your lungs.
- Brother – a man or boy with the same parents as another person.
- Building – a structure with walls and a roof, such as a house or a factory.
- Burn – to be hurt, damaged, or destroyed by fire or extreme heat, or to cause this to happen.
- Business – the activity of buying and selling goods and services.
- Butter – a pale yellow food containing a lot of fat that is made from cream, usually spread on bread or used in cooking.
- Care – the process of protecting someone or something, and providing what they need.
- Cause – the reason why something, especially something bad, happens.
- Chance – an occasion that allows something to be done.
- Change – to exchange one thing for another thing, or to make or become different.
- Cloth – a type of woven material, usually used in cleaning to remove dirt, dust, or liquid.
- Color/Colour – red, blue, green, yellow, red, orange, etc.
- Comfort – a pleasant feeling of being relaxed and free from pain.
- Company – and organization that sells goods or services in order to make money.
- Comparison – the act of comparing two or more people or things.
- Competition – a situation in which someone is trying to win something or be more successful than someone else.
- Connection – the state of being related to someone or something.
- Cook – (verb) when you prepare food to be eaten by heating it until it is ready, or (noun) a person who prepares and cooks food.
- Country – An area of land that has its own government, army, etc.
- Cover – to put or spread something over something, or to lie on the surface of something.
- Credit – praise, approval, or honor.
- Cry – to produce tears as the result of strong emotion, such as sadness, fear, happiness, or pain.
- Current – of the present time.
- Damage – to harm or spoil something.
- Danger – the possibility of harm or death to someone.
- Daughter – your female child.
- Day – a period of 24 hours.
- Death – the end of life.
- Decision – a choice that you make about something after thinking about all the possible options.
- Detail – a single piece of information or fact about something.
- Development – the process in which someone or something grows or changes and becomes more advanced.
- Direction – the position towards which someone or something moves or faces.
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Importance of Vocabulary in English Competitive Exams
Many papers or examinations have different sections especially to test the vocabulary skills of an individual. There are many exams which are specifically based on to test the level of knowledge of English words an individual has. Such exams like IELTS, TOEFL are needed in all the abroad universities and each university has its own different range of cutoff.
Many countries give visas after clearing English-based examinations for citizenship etc. In many fields or streams such as in Bank exams, SSC, IBPS, etc. it is important to have the knowledge of basic English.
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Use of English Vocabulary in GMAT
Yes, English is very important for the GMAT exam as there are specific sections where grammatical errors are needed to be corrected by the candidate, incorrect sentences are to be framed, the meaning of difficult words are to be given, synonyms are to be answered, etc. Students thus need to work on their vocabulary skills and need to enhance them as this section holds a lot of marks and is very important to attend.
Critical Reasoning is also mentioned and given and is a compulsion to attend. Thus students need to be prepared for this kind of question and therefore English Vocabulary is needed and is very important for GMAT.
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Use of English Vocabulary in GRE
GRE is a very difficult examination to crack. Many say that GRE is more difficult than GMAT. Studying vocabulary for GRE can be daunting because there are hundreds of such rare words that appear on the question paper which are not known by many.
Therefore students need to prepare their best and should know as many new words from the English Dictionary as they can. Students should know at least 350 to 3500 words at the most while preparing for the GRE exam.
GRE has challenging sentences and extremely tough vocabulary words which is impossible for many students to learn and write the meaning with sentences as examples. Students need to phrase their own sentences.
There are long passages which are needed to be understood completely by the students as within them there are questions and answers. Thus, one needs to be completely prepared in their vocabulary skills when it comes to the GRE examination.
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Ans. Yes, there are specific books available for the students to enhance their English vocabulary skills for GMAT and GRE examinations.
Ans. Yes, GRE is more difficult than GMAT, in every section and in vocabulary sections as well.
Ans. Students should always read and write and learn the words and try to phrase them into sentences.
Ans. Students at least should memorize 350 to 3500 words for better results in the GRE vocabulary section.
Ans. Vocabulary is the language or the use of words through which people can understand and communicate.
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