get a perfectscore on IELTS

- 40 Questions

- Visual
- Essay

- Introduction
- Long Turn
- Discussion

- 40 Questions

How do I register for the IELTS examinations and what would be the registration fee?
You can register online or in person at . Or you can get in touch with One of the counsellor for further guidance. IELTS Registration charges are Rs 15,500/-
How many times IELTS exam held in a year?
For the Paper based Test
The IELTS has about 48 fixed dates in a year – 4 test dates in a month. Tests are held on Thursdays and Saturdays.
For the Computer delivered Test
Up to 7 days a week, 3 times a day. To find out test dates in your area, visit IELTS official website or contact your nearest test centre.
How many times I can appear for IELTS exam?
IELTS can be taken an unlimited number of times. However, it is highly advisable not to appear for IELTS too many times as it may affect the applicant’s candidature.
How long is an IELTS Score valid?
An IELTS Test Report Form (TRF) is valid for 2 years.
Can I cancel or postpone my IELTS test date?
For the Paper based
Yes, request for cancellation or postponement should be given upto 5 weeks prior to the scheduled date with valid documents.
For the Computer delivered IELTS
Request for cancellation MORE than 1 weeks ahead of the test date