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IELTS Listening Band Score | How it is calculated ?

Written by  Vishesh Chogtu

Published on Mon, April 11, 2022 5:46 AM   Updated on Wed, May 25, 2022 10:52 AM   11 mins read
Source : Darian Sandmartin

The IELTS Listening exam is a part of the IELTS exam along with the Writing, Speaking and Reading sections. In this Listening test, there are about 40 questions and candidates need to answer them in 30 minutes of time.

IELTS Listening test includes 4 recording or audio clips and each recording or the clip has 10 questions to attend which contains monologues, and conversations of native speakers. However, IELTS Listening Band score is calculated based on the answers for the 40 questions. Moreover, the IELTS Listening Band scores are calculated on a 9 point scale

The IELTS Listening is also conducted in 2 ways: General test or Academic test. But, the IELTS Listening Band score is the same for both types. And the IELTS Listening band score and IELTS reading scores are important to get better overall band scores.

How IELTS Band Score are calculated ?

It is very important to understand how the IELTS band scores are calculated. However, the IELTS Listening band scores along with other sections Writing, Reading, and Speaking are between 0-9 score. Candidates even can get scores like .5 in their band scores means 6.5,7.5, etc.

However, candidates will get section wise bands score ( listening, Writing, reading and speaking) along with overall band scores. If the scores of candidates are 6.25 or 6.75 then the marks are rounded to the nearest whole band or to the half band. 

Example 1:

IELTS Sections Band scores
Normal addition score6.25
Overall 6.5

When we are adding all the sections band scores like IELTS Listening band score, IELTS reading band scores, IELTS Writing scores and IELTS Speaking scores then we will get overall IELTS band scores. In the above table, the total of all four sections score is 6.25. since it is closer to the next band 6.5. The score is round figured to the next half band. 


IELTS sectionsBand scores
Normal addition score3.875
Overall score4.0

In the above example, Dividing the all sections band scores by 4 means 4+4+3.5+4 = 3.875 which is above the 3.5 band score. So, it is round figured to the next band score 4.0


IELTS sectionsBand scores
Average normal score 7.75
Overall score8.0

In the above example, when dividing all the IELTS sections scores by 4 like 8+7+7.5+8.5=7.75. The average score is higher than the previous band 7.5 so, it is round figured to the next band 8.0.

Check out : IELTS Speaking and Listening

Minimum Score for IELTS

The IELTS band exam does not have any minimum score to pass. However, the IELTS band scores are calculated from band score “1” to band score “9”. And there is also a “0” band score for those who have not attempted the test. Moreover, IELTS band scores are calculated based on the 4 sections listening, speaking, writing, and reading. And these sections have individual band scores along with overall IELTS band scores. Moreover, each foreign University has its own requirement when it comes to IELTS band scores.

IELTS Section Wise Band Score

IELTS overall band score is calculated after taking the average scores from IELTS sub-sections. And this overall score is also calculated on the 9 points scale. However, the IELTS sub-sections also calculated on the 9 points band score. IELTS Listening band score calculations  are the same in IELTS General test or Academic test for 40 questions. IELTS Reading band score is also calculated for 40 questions in both the IELTS Academic and General test. But, the question structure is different. However, the IELTS Writing and Speaking Assessment has separate criteria to calculate the scores. 

IELTS Academic Reading Band Score

Like the IELTS listening band, IELTS Academic Reading also has 40 questions to attempt. And each question gives one mark for the right answer.But, there is a difference between IELTS Academic Reading and IELTS General Reading. The IELTS Academic reading test has more difficult Vocabulary than the General test and the text is more complex.

The IELTS Academic Reading band scores start with a minimum of a 2.5 band score

The following table shows the IELTS Academic Reading average scores with band scores :

IELTS Academic reading normal scoreBand Score

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IELTS academic Listening Band Score

IELTS Listening is a sub-section in the IELTS exam. Candidates need to attend all the sections to get a better IELTS band score. Like the IELTS Reading exam , IELTS Listening is also divided into 2 types. IELTS Listening General Band and IELTS Listening Academic Band. But, there is not much difference between IELTS Listening Band score and IELTS General Listening Band score calculations. Moreover, there are 40 questions that candidates need to attempt and the time duration is 30 minutes.

The following table shows the IELTS Listening Band scores along with its average scores:

IELTS Listening normal ScoreBand Score

IELTS academic Writing Assessment Criteria

The IELTS Writing Assessment has 2 parts which are marked by the examiner and the test is based on 4 main criteria points. These 4 main points will decide the Candidates IELTS writing assessment band scores. Moreover, each IELTS writing assessment criteria has equal points and the average of 4 criteria is added to the overall IELTS band scores.

The following table shows the IELTS Writing Assessment criteria with detailed information about the criteria :

IELTS Writing assessment CriteriaDetailed Information
Task Achievement( Task 1)Presenting accurate informationHighling the key features or stagesGiving an OverviewSupporting the details with the data given
Task Response( Task 2)Answering the given question by addressing the taskGiving the points relevant to the matter that is supported and developed)Giving a conclusionGiving the clear opinion when they asked 
Coherence and CohesionArranging the information or ideas into ParagraphsHaving one central idea in each given paragraph( according to Task 2)Using the range of linking devices.
Lexical ResourceUsing the words and paraphrasing them.Using collocationAvoid spelling mistakes
Grammar Range and AccuracyUsing the range of Sentence structuresUSing of Grammar tenses, PunctuationsAvoiding errors.

IELTS academic Speaking Assessment Criteria

Just like the IELTS Writing Assessment criteria, the IELTS speaking assessment also calculated the band score based on 4 points Criteria. And the score is added to Overall IELTS Speaking band score.

The following table shows detailed information about the IELTS Speaking Assessment criteria :

IELTS speaking Assessment CriteriaCriteria Using
FluencyTalking lengthTaking without any hesitations and pausesTaking without any self- correctionsUsing the linking devicesAble to understand the speaking
Lexical resourcesUsing less common VocabularyUsing collocationsAvoiding spelling errorsUsing a range of words and paraphrasing them
Grammer range and Accuracy Using a range of sentence structures and grammar TensesAvoiding the errors
PronunciationThe pronunciation should be able to be understood throughout the test time.The accent doesn’t impact the UnderstandingUse accurate and sound pronunciation.

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IELTS general Listening Band Score

Same like IELTS Reading band calculations, IELTS General listening band score also calculated for 40 questions and the raw score is converted into band score. Candidates need to answer the questions correctly to get the desired IELTS Listening Band scores. And the IELTS Listening Band score is given on a 9 points band scale. Moreover, the calculation of IELTS Listening Academic and General Band scores are in the same manner. 

The Following table shows the IELTS Listening band score along with their average score for 40 questions :

IELTS Listening normal ScoreBand Score

IELTS General reading Band Score

The IELTS Reading band score consists of 40 questions to answer and the scores will be given on a 9 band scale. And the IELTS Reading test is of two types: Academic and General. There is a little difference between IELTS General Reading band score and IELTS Academic Reading band scores.

However, in the IELTS General Reading band exam Candidates need to give correct answers for more questions to get the particular band score than the IELTS Academic Reading band.

The following table shows the IELTS General Reading band score with their raw scores:

IELTS General reading normal ScoreBand score

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IELTS Band Score Descriptor and the level of English skills Required

The IELTS band score descriptor shows you the level of English that a candidate has along with the Overall IELTS band scores. And it also helps candidates to get their desired scores to get their dream jobs or university placement in the Foreign Country. And this IELTS Band score descriptor also tells the Candidates english skills and their command on the English language. Even the IELTS Listening Band score also describes the same english level skills like the overall IELTS band score descriptor.

The following table provides the information about different IELTS band scores along with their English levels and description of the English levels :

IELTS Band scoreEnglish Skills levelIELTS band Score Descriptor
9Expert UserCandidates have great control over the usage of English language and they can handle situations very well and also their english language is much fluent to understand.
8Very Good UserCandidates have very good command of the English language and also handle the complex language well with little bit of inaccurate word usage in certain times because of slight misunderstandings.
7Good UserCandidates have good command over the English language with less inappropriate and inaccurate words usage. They are also able to handle the complex language in any situation very well. Along with this, they can also understand the detailed reasoning well.
6Competent UserCandidates have better command of the English language with some inappropriate and inaccurate usage of words.and they also can understand the complex language in familiar situations.
5Modest UserCandidates have a light command of the English language and can handle basic conversations in their field. But they also make mistakes.
4Limited UserCandidates can understand language used in similar situations only. And have difficulty in understanding and expressions. And also can’t use complex language. 
3Extremely limited UserCandidates can understand only the common meaning for familiar situations and there are also many breakdowns in communications.
2Intermittent UserCandidates have high difficulty in Understanding writing and spoken English.
1Non-UserCandidate can not use the english language except some isolated words
0Did not attend the examCandidates did not  answers to the questions

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8 Band Scores in IELTS

The 8 Band score in IELTS shows that the candidate has a good grip on the English language and he/she can do conversions without many mistakes while speaking the language. And also their English language is understandable by others. However, students or candidates who want to score 8.0 points in the IELTS exam need to get a score of 36 minimum out of 40 questions in IELTS Listening Band score and in IELTS reading. Along with this, candidates should clear their Writing and Speaking sections without any errors. Moreover, Many Top Universities accept the students with an overall 8.0 band score in IELTS easily.


✅ What is 30 out of 40 in IELTS Listening?

Ans: The IELTS listening band  scores are calculated based on the answers for total questions. And the IELTS listening exam contains 40 questions. And the band’s are decided based on the normal scores out of the 40 questions. In IELTS listening band exam scoring of 30 marks out of 40 comes under band 7 score.

✅ Is 6.5 is a good score in IELTS listening?

Ans: Although 6.5 in IELTS Listening Band score is not perfect to get entry in Top Universities but, many of the Universities will accept the candidates with 6.5 IELTS Listening band score with best qualifications.

✅ Is a 7.5 good IELTS score in Listening?

Ans: Yes, IELTS Listening band score of 7.5 is good for candidates who want to apply for world top Universities. Because, Maximum of the foreign Top Universities required a minimum of 7.0 in IELTS listening Band score to accept the students along with their qualifications. However, the 7.0 in IELTS listening band score or in IELTS overall Band score shows that the candidate is a good user of English language.

✅ Is IELTS Canada Difficult?

Ans: The World famous English Proficiency Test IELTS is not difficult at all. This IELTS test will test the candidates English language Proficiency in Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking within 3 hours of the test duration.

About the Author & Expert


Vishesh Chogtu

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